Tuesday, 9 February 2010

What Makes the Legal Profession Diverse--Or Not?


Drivers behind the diversity experience of the legal market in England and Wales. 

This research project funded by the Legal Services Board seeks to explore the experiences of women and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups in the legal profession. In particular we are concerned with the following research questions:
  • To what extent do women and BME professionals experience different opportunities within the legal labour market, as a result of informal and formal practices?
  • What are the decisive drivers affecting the career and life choices of women and BME practitioners?
  • Do career patterns and opportunities for women and BME lawyers differ according to labour market location (eg CPS, in-house, private practice) and if so, how and why?
  • What are the policy responses of employing organisations, institutions and individuals to the diversity gap within the legal professions?
This project is a collaboration between academics at Leeds Metropolitan University, the University of Leeds and the University of Westminster. For further details please contact any member of the team.

Prof Hilary Sommerlad
Leeds Metropolitan University
Dr Daniel Muzio
University of Leeds
Dr Jennifer Tomlinson
University of Leeds
Ms Liz Duff
University of Westminster
Dr Lisa Webley
University of Westminster


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