Friday, 9 March 2012

99th Session of the Philosophical Foundations of Law and Finance

Title: The Principles and Practice of the Law of Nations Building
Date: March 9, 2012
Time: 6 to 8pm
Venue: University of Westminster, Regent Campus, Room 516

For the 99th Session of the Philosophical Foundations of Law and Finance, the senior members of the group will provide a workshop for LLM students on the principles and practices of researching and writing dissertations that matter. Too many times students think that dissertations are just an exercise of extravagant futility, and of course, with that sort of attitude, the opportunity to learn and do something exciting and meaningful with one's life is just wasted. To have the right attitude towards one's work affects social change towards what Plato called "social comity."

Lots of postgraduates in law and finance having incurred gigantic fees and not being able to get an appropriate high flying job may feel they are victim of that which they may have studied as a pernicious phenomenon of the central banking political elite protectionist racket, namely, a Ponzi scheme. Despite these rather obvious abhorrent facts in our current Anglo-American-European where in America student loans are a trillion plus dollar bubble and in the UK where our dear former PM led the ultimate sacrificial Neo-religious cult into War and "education, education, education," I think it would be good to step back and try to figure out WHY WE DO RESEARCH.

To make this session a bit more of a learning by performance space, each student will be asked to read a few lines of Plato's Laws and provide an INTERPRETATION of such. This simple ancient way of learning may give us just the right excuse to develop THEORIES and THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS that matter to our lives.



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