Wednesday 6 April 2011

73rd Session of the Philosophical Foundations of Law and Finance

Dear all,

For the 73rd Session of the Philosophical Foundations of Law and Finance, we shall take respite from the awful world of wars-for-oil of Libya, the potential genocide of The Exploding Plutonium Corporation (TEPCO), the bankster-paid political announcement of Obama to run for a second term as President, and the ignoble lies of the US Fed which is paying 83% of the US debt, thereby, increasing systemic risk to an insane level. In this world where authoritarian cover ups and appeals to calm are used to paper over the cracks of hazardous realities, it is time that we re-discover THE WRATH of Achilles, in Homer’s immortal Iliad. It may help us wake up to the veiled wars around us.

Joe’s favourite modern translation into relatively modern English is Richard Lattimore’s (1951). The interlineal (Greek – English) translation using Lattimore’s translation can be found here:

We will read Homer’s Iliad this Friday in the usual location, room 516 at the Regent Street campus of the University of Westminster, from 6 to 8pm.

Afterwards, we shall peacefully enjoy the wonderful cuisine of the Persian restaurant Galleria at 17 New Cavendish St, Marylebone, W1G 9, about £15 if you can resist to wine… “Inflaming wine, pernicious to mankind, Unnerves the limbs, and dulls the noble mind.” (The Iliad, Book 6).

Best wishes!
Joe & Laura

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